The last two days have been glorious - the 182nd annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The spirit I feel listening to conference is the same one I feel reading The Book of Mormon - the Holy Ghost bearing witness of eternal truth John 16:13, Moroni 10:5. I was particularly impressed by Elder Russell M. Nelson's talk about the wonders of our physical body as a tabernacle for our immortal spirit. Our bodies are a divine gift. Our spirits are a divine gift. Together they comprise our soul which has eternal worth and endless potential. For both body and spirit, thanks be to God. 2011 was the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Holy Bible. The Book of Mormon, written in the Elizabethan English of the KJV (Royal Skousen's observation), has been on the earth now for 182 years. For both works of scripture, thanks be to God.
My wife and I appreciated Sister Julie Bangerter Beck's talk about faith, family and relief in the Relief Society. We went to high school with Sister Beck, so the last five years of her presidency have been especially meaningful for us as we have watched her, Sister Allred and Sister Thompson magnify their callings in remarkable ways around the world. Serving as the Bishop of a large and dynamic ward, I have profound love and respect for the Relief Society and the way its members quietly go about doing good Acts 10:38.
And then there was Elder D. Todd Cristofferson's talk about the doctrine of Christ 2 Nephi 31:2. Our doctrine is clear, pure, and easy to understand reminding one of Nephi's high standard "plainness, in the which I know that no man can err" 2 Nephi 25:7. We learn truth through both reason and faith D&C 88:118. We respect hermeneutics and exegesis as we seek revelation from God in both individual and council settings appropriate to our stewardships D&C 20:35. Continuing revelation, primarily through the Holy Ghost, to the prophets, seers and revelators D&C 107:92 in our day confirms all prior testaments of Jesus Christ (Old Testament; The New Testament of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ), and expounds the doctrine of Christ stated anew.
I am currently 58 years old. When I was 16, I first read The Book of Mormon cover to cover and the Spirit witnessed powerfully to me that this work is ancient, true and important both in God's plan for our earth in these latter days and for me personally. Since then I have spent thousands of joyous hours immersed in the text of The Book of Mormon, and my investment has paid bountiful dividends. The Book of Mormon is clear, pure, and easy to understand. For both its setting and its doctrine, thanks be to God. Any person who feasts upon its words 2 Nephi 31:20 will be better able to go about doing good. - Kirk Alder Magleby.
For more thoughts on the Gospel and the Church (Elder Donald L. Hallstrom's moving talk) see my profile on
My wife and I appreciated Sister Julie Bangerter Beck's talk about faith, family and relief in the Relief Society. We went to high school with Sister Beck, so the last five years of her presidency have been especially meaningful for us as we have watched her, Sister Allred and Sister Thompson magnify their callings in remarkable ways around the world. Serving as the Bishop of a large and dynamic ward, I have profound love and respect for the Relief Society and the way its members quietly go about doing good Acts 10:38.
And then there was Elder D. Todd Cristofferson's talk about the doctrine of Christ 2 Nephi 31:2. Our doctrine is clear, pure, and easy to understand reminding one of Nephi's high standard "plainness, in the which I know that no man can err" 2 Nephi 25:7. We learn truth through both reason and faith D&C 88:118. We respect hermeneutics and exegesis as we seek revelation from God in both individual and council settings appropriate to our stewardships D&C 20:35. Continuing revelation, primarily through the Holy Ghost, to the prophets, seers and revelators D&C 107:92 in our day confirms all prior testaments of Jesus Christ (Old Testament; The New Testament of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ), and expounds the doctrine of Christ stated anew.
I am currently 58 years old. When I was 16, I first read The Book of Mormon cover to cover and the Spirit witnessed powerfully to me that this work is ancient, true and important both in God's plan for our earth in these latter days and for me personally. Since then I have spent thousands of joyous hours immersed in the text of The Book of Mormon, and my investment has paid bountiful dividends. The Book of Mormon is clear, pure, and easy to understand. For both its setting and its doctrine, thanks be to God. Any person who feasts upon its words 2 Nephi 31:20 will be better able to go about doing good. - Kirk Alder Magleby.
For more thoughts on the Gospel and the Church (Elder Donald L. Hallstrom's moving talk) see my profile on