In December, 2018, I authored an important blog post entitled "Prophecy Fulfilled 016" identifying the mighty nation among the Gentiles described in 1 Nephi 22:7 as Spain. The article explained the historical succession of Spain/France/England as global superpower and interpreted 1 Nephi 13:30 in that light.
Chronology clinches the identification of Spain as the mighty nation. What did the mighty nation do? They scattered Lehi's descendants 1 Nephi 22:7. When was Lehi's seed scattered? Before the marvelous work among the Gentiles began 1 Nephi 22:8. What was the marvelous work? The coming forth of the Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 25:17, 27:26 was a major part of it.
Key dates associated with the modern Book of Mormon include:
- December 23, 1805 Joseph Smith, Jr. was born
- September 21, 1823 Angel Moroni first appeared to Joseph Smith, Jr.
- March 26, 1830 Book of Mormon went on sale to the public