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Roman Figurine Head in Ancient Mexico

I was driving through central Mexico last year with my archaeologist friend, Javier Tovar, who lives in Atotonilco de Tula, Hidalgo.
Atotonilco de Tula, Hidalgo, 65 Kilometers North of Mexico City
Javier got his degree in archaeology through INAH's program at UNAM. We visited as we drove and he told me a stirring story. One of his classmates at INAH was a Bulgarian named Romeo Hristov who championed ancient transoceanic contacts much to the chagrin of most Mexican archaeologists who wanted their Olmecs, Maya, and Aztecs to have developed without external influences of any kind. It was a matter of national pride. The general attitude was "Our ancients did not need outside help." This is classic isolationist thinking, aka independent inventionism, and it has been the prevalent viewpoint in Americanist studies since the time of Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826) and Alexander von Humboldt (1769 - 1859).

By force of will and dogged persistence, Hristov located in the vast INAH artifact collection a long-misplaced figurine head recovered by professional archaeologists in a controlled excavation at the site of Tecaxic-Calixtlahuaca in 1933.
Tecaxic-Calixtlahuaca, Mexico, 60 Kilometers West of Mexico City
Found in an unambiguous pre-Hispanic context, this head was stylistically identified as Roman from the second century AD. Hristov had a small particle of the ceramic material dated via thermoluminescence at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg, Germany. The date came back 1780 plus or minus 400 years before present, corroborating the second century AD classification.
Calixtlahuaca Head Frontal View
This find was described in an article written by Romeo Hristov and Santiago Genovés entitled "Mesoamerican Evidence of Pre-Columbian Transoceanic Contacts," published in Ancient Mesoamerica, 10 (1999), pp. 207 - 213. The same authors published a Spanish version of their article entitled "Viajes transatlánticos antes de Colón" in Arqueología mexicana 6/33 (1998) pp. 48-53.
Calixtlahuaca Head, Side View
Hristov has continued his research in the Canary Islands where a Roman colony is now attested on Lanzarote between the first and fourth centuries AD. Hristov got some support for his research from FARMS and John L. Sorenson mentions this find in Mormon's Codex (Salt Lake City: Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship and Deseret Book, 2013) p. 239. Naysayers have attempted to explain this piece away but their speculations have been unpersuasive in light of Hristov's meticulous scholarship over many years.

Martin Harris Biography

The first serious biography of Martin Harris is now available from BYU Studies.
Martin Harris (1783 - 1875)
Written by seasoned historians Susan Easton Black and Larry C. Porter, this book tells the story of a man who conversed with an angel and had prophetic revelations personally directed to him D&C 5.

Prophecy Fulfilled 006

Nephite general and historian, Mormon, recorded a prophecy that Gentiles would scatter Lehi's descendants who would be "counted as naught among them"Mormon 5:9. "Naught" generally means zero, nothingness, or nonexistence. This prophecy was dramatically and explicitly fulfilled during the first sixty years of European contact with Native Americans.
Columbus Statue, Parque Colon, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
1492 - 1493 Columbus (1451 - 1506) discovered America, landing in what today are the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic.

1493 Pope Alexander VI (1431 - 1503) granted the Americas to Spain.

1493 - 1496 Columbus returned on his second voyage, bringing a large number of Europeans with him. He landed in what today are the Lesser Antilles, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, and Cuba.

1498 - 1500 Columbus, on the third of his four voyages, began distributing "encomiendas" on Hispaniola Island (Haiti and the Dominican Republic) to the Europeans who accompanied him. An encomienda was a land grant that included the services of the indigenous people residing in that territory. Essentially the old European feudal system transported to the New World, encomiendas allowed European landowners to enslave and exploit the natives. Landed lords terrorized their American victims, forcing them to work in mines, fisheries, and on farms and ranches. Encomenderos captured slaves from neighboring islands to augment their work force. Conditions aboard the slave ships were so horrendous most of the impressed people died en route and their bodies were thrown overboard. The recently-arrived European overlords justified their brutality with clever sophistry, reasoning:
  • Native males could not grow beards, so they were not truly men.
  • Natives were beasts, without souls, incapable of religion and ineligible for salvation. Europeans frequently called the locals "dogs." 
The pernicious idea that the indigenous people were brute sub-humans allowed the greedy newcomers to rationalize everything from rape and torture to murder and genocide.
Antonio de Montesinos Statue, George Washington Avenue,
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
1511 Antonio de Montesinos (1475 - 1540), a Dominican friar on Hispaniola opposed to Spanish cruelty, complained "Are these not men? Have they not rational souls?"

1512 - 1513 Montesinos' highly critical reports back to Spain resulted in the Laws of Burgos, one tenet of which forbade Spaniards from calling the natives "dogs." On the American side of the Atlantic, the Laws of Burgos were routinely ignored.
Image of Bartolomé de las Casas on
1978 Guatemalan Centavo Coin
1524 Charles V (1500 - 1558) created the Council of the Indies which included Bartolomé de las Casas (ca. 1484 - 1566), an outspoken social reformer turned Dominican friar who advocated humane treatment of native Americans.

1530 Charles V prohibited Indian slavery. Predictably, his edict was ignored in the Americas and promptly rescinded.
Sublimis Deus, Papal Bull Issued
by Pope Paul III in 1537
1537 Pope Paul III (1468 - 1549) issued an encyclical called "Sublimis Deus." It attempted to settle the philosophical argument whether native Americans were beasts or humans. It declared the indigenous peoples of the Americas are rational beings with souls, eligible for Catholic evangelism. This papal decision resulted in a wave of missionaries going to the New World.
Bartolomé de las Casas, Brevísima Relación
1552 Seville Edition
1542 Bartolomé de las Casas wrote his damning Brevísima Relación de la Destrucción de las Indias which was formally published ten years later. The future Bishop of Chiapas estimated the population of Hispaniola in 1492 at 3 million. Fifty years later, only 200 indigenous people were still alive. He estimated the pre-contact population of Lucayos (Bahamas) at 500,000, all of whom were dead. He described Cuba and Puerto Rico as almost totally depopulated from forced labor, starvation, disease, public torture, and Spanish massacres.

1542 Las Casas' exposé had an immediate effect. Realizing how counter-productive Spanish colonial policies had been (dead Indians don't pay tribute), Charles V issued the New Laws of the Indies for the Good Treatment and Preservation of the Indians. The New Laws abolished Indian slavery and ended encomiendas. Opposition from Spaniards in the New World was so pronounced Charles V was forced to revoke the New Laws in 1545.
Learned  Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda
1550 - 1551 A great debate took place in Valladolid, Spain between philosopher and theologian Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda (1494 - 1573) and Dominican Bishop Bartolomé de las Casas. Sepúlveda argued that New World natives were barbarians and slaves by nature who should be forced to accept Catholicism. Las Casas defended the Indians as free, rational human beings capable of self-government who should be invited but not forced to accept Catholicism. Sepúlveda's harsh viewpoint prevailed and Spanish atrocities continued unabated throughout North, Central, and South America.

Within the first few decades after European contact, Spanish Gentiles forced natives to abandon their homes and life ways. Entire populations were exterminated. Indigenous Americans were generally considered lower life forms who could be enslaved, abused, and killed with impunity. Mormon 5:9's prophecy that Lehi's descendants would be scattered and counted as naught was expressly fulfilled.

Additional blog articles in the Prophecy Fulfilled series are numbered 001, 002, 003, 004, and 005.

For another instance of a Book of Mormon prophecy fulfilled, I recommend Stephen Smoot's excellent recent article entitled "No Kings Upon the Land: A Note on 2 Nephi 10."

Kirk Magleby volunteers as Executive Director of Book of Mormon Central which builds enduring faith in Jesus Christ by making the Book of Mormon accessible, comprehensible, and defensible in all the world. Book of Mormon Central currently publishes in English and Spanish.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 007

    Nephi saw in vision many multitudes of gentiles 1 Nephi 13:14 from various nations and kingdoms 1 Nephi 13:1-3 who crossed the many waters 1 Nephi 13:13 to settle in the promised land.
    Artist's Conception of Europeans Arriving in the New World
    How many were multitudes? The text uses the term "multitude" to describe the divine capacity for mercy 1 Nephi 8:8, unnumbered masses of humanity 1 Nephi 8:30-31, 33, the size of audiences gathered to hear the Savior during his mortal ministry 1 Nephi 11:28, afflicted people healed by the Savior during his lifetime 1 Nephi 11:31, and enemies of the first-century Apostolic Church 1 Nephi 11:34-35. The Nephite text also uses an augmentative phrase implying out sized or unusually large numbers: "multitudes of people, yea, even as it were in number as many as the sand of the sea"1 Nephi 12:1 and Mormon 1:7. Lehi's descendants in the New World were multitudes as numerous almost as the sands of the sea.

    So, according to the Book of Mormon, the multi-national gentiles coming to the New World in the Age of Discovery would be multiple groups, each perhaps numbering in the hundreds of thousands, while the indigenous population at European contact would be a much larger number. History and science explicitly corroborate the fulfillment of these prophecies in appropriate proportion.

    We know from history about how many Europeans emigrated to the Americas from various countries in the 1492 (Columbus) - 1783 (Treaty of Paris ending the US Revolutionary War) time frame. These are the numbers:
    • Great Britain (England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales) 722,000
    • Spain 437,000
    • Portugal 100,000
    • Germany & Switzerland 100,000
    • France 51,000
    That's a total of 1,410,000 gentiles from 9 countries, not including smaller numbers of emigrants from the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, Greece, etc. Source: Ida Altman & James Horne, editors, To Make America: European Emigration in the Early Modern Period, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991).

    The pre-contact population of the Americas has been the subject of intense academic scrutiny by historical demographers for decades. A widely-accepted figure of 53,904,000 comes from William M. Denevan, editor, The Native Population of the Americas in 1492, Second Edition, (Madison and London: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1992). Denevan's estimates:
    • North America (US and Canada) 3,790,000
    • Mexico 17,174,000
    • Central America (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Belize) 5,625,000
    • Caribbean 3,000,000
    • Andes (Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela) 15,696,000
    • South America (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile) 8,619,000
    1.4 million gentile emigrants to America from multiple countries between 1492 and 1783 precisely fulfill Nephi's prophecy in 1 Nephi 13:14. Much larger numbers of natives in the Americas at contact precisely fulfill Nephi's prophecy in 1 Nephi 12:1 and corroborate Mormon's observation in Mormon 1:7.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 008

    In Nephi's expansive historical vision chronicled in 1 Nephi 13, the prophet refers five times to gentiles leaving captivity in Europe and emigrating to the New World. What captivity were they fleeing? Europeans in the Age of Discovery (1492 - 1783) were subject to various forms of exploitation such as slavery (humans bought and sold), serfdom (humans bound to land, which could be bought and sold), bound or indentured servitude (humans bound to other humans under certain conditions and/or for certain time periods, with contracts that could be bought and sold), debt servitude (humans bound to other humans until a debt was repaid with contracts that could be bought and sold), forced labor (benefiting king, noble, or church), forced military service (press gangs), high taxes, and mandatory tithes. Landed nobles or vassals owned most assets. Peasants had few rights and limited prospects for improvement. Inheritance laws favored first-born sons to prevent breaking up large real estate holdings.

    Nephi tells us who was behind these rigid social structures that advantaged elites by exploiting commoners - the great and abominable church founded by Satan 1 Nephi 13:6. This church was not a religious institution per se, although clerics as social elites participated in its spoils. This church was a pervasive social order that helped high class individuals remain self-indulgent (gold, silver, silks, scarlets, fine-twined linen, precious clothing, harlots) while low class persons had little or no self-determination. Saintly people who tried to reform this pathological system were either killed or incarcerated 1 Nephi 13:9.

    And what did the gentiles get when they fled captivity in the Old World and settled the New? They gained their freedom 3 Nephi 21:4, obtained land 1 Nephi 13:15, and became prosperous 1 Nephi 13:20. This graphic shows the social structure in Nueva España (Mexico).
    Social Structure in Spanish Colonies
    Spaniards or other Europeans occupied the top strata, followed by their children born in the New World. Children born to a Spanish father and native mother (mestizos) came next, followed by natives, then imported Africans, and finally mixed breeds. Most Europeans who emigrated to the Americas remained in the New World because they enjoyed a higher quality of life than they would have had in the Old Country. People who had been peasants in Europe became landed elites (hacendados in Spanish America) in the Western Hemisphere, thus fulfilling 1 Nephi 13:13, 16, 19, and 29-30.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 009

    The term "scarlets" appears twice in the Book of Mormon describing expensive clothing worn by rich and powerful European gentiles of the great and abominable church more or less contemporaneous with the Age of Discovery (1492 - 1783) 1 Nephi 13:7-8. Sumptuous apparel is mentioned many times in the text in multiple time periods (2 Nephi 13:23, Mosiah 10:5, Alma 1:29, Alma 4:6, Helaman 6:13, Ether 9:17, 10:24). Scarlets, though, are only associated with the gentile nations of Europe at the time of Columbus and the establishment of New World colonies. This subtle detail is corroborated historically. Scarlet is the color worn by Roman Catholic Cardinals. In Western Civilization, it has traditionally signified power, luxury, and wealth. Purple was reserved for royalty, but scarlet was worn by the various classes of nobility.
    "Portrait of a Young Man" by Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510)
    Soldiers often wore red, but military officers wore the more brilliant scarlet. The British House of Lords opened new sessions of parliament dressed in scarlet robes.
    "Queen Anne in the House of Lords" by Peter Tillemans (1684 - 1734)
    It is no coincidence that scarlet is also associated with immorality per Revelation 17:4 and the great and abominable church is the mother of harlots 1 Nephi 14:17 and the whore of all the earth 2 Nephi 28:18.

    Color symbolism in Renaissance Europe precisely and accurately fulfilled Nephi's prophetic use of the term "scarlets" in 1 Nephi 13:7-8.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 010

    The Book of Mormon has a recurring prophecy whose chronology helps establish the location of Nephite and Lamanite lands in the New World. In a nutshell, the prophecy says European gentiles will come to the Americas, dispossess the numerous Lamanites, then drive the Lamanites almost to extinction. After the Lamanites are nearly wiped out, their fortunes will reverse and the fullness of the Gospel will become available to them through the Book of Mormon. Enlightened Lamanites will become a force to be reckoned with among many gentile nations. The prophetic timeline is: a) large Lamanite populations followed by b) gentile invasion which causes c) Lamanite demographic collapse to near extinction, which is followed by d) Joseph Smith and the restoration, which is followed by e) Lamanites regaining power. Latin American history precisely matches this pattern. US and Canadian history contradicts it. According to this prophecy, Book of Mormon lands will be found in Latin America.

    The prophetic pattern in chronological order:
    A. Large Lamanite populations. 1 Nephi 12:1-3.
       B. Gentile invasion. 2 Nephi 1:11.
          C. Lamanites driven nearly to extinction. 2 Nephi 26:15.
       D. The restoration. Mormon 5:20.
    E. Lamanites regain power. 3 Nephi 20:16.

    Supporting scriptural passages:
    A. Large Lamanite populations. Mormon 1:7.
       B. Gentile invasion. 1 Nephi 13:14, Helaman 15:12, 3 Nephi 16:8-9.
          C. Lamanites driven nearly to extinction. 1 Nephi 13:30-312 Nephi 3:3,  Helaman 15:16.
       D. The restoration. 1 Nephi 10:14, 1 Nephi 13:34, 2 Nephi 26:16, Mosiah 12:8.
    E. Lamanites regain power. 3 Nephi 16:12, 20:19.

    We know key dates in this chronology. Sustained European intrusion began with Columbus in 1492. The restoration began with the birth of Joseph Smith on December 23, 1805 and continued through the First Vision in the spring of 1820 and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon on March 26, 1830. One example of Lamanites regaining power was Benito Juarez (1806 - 1872), beloved Zapotec President of Mexico, inagurated on January 15, 1858.

    So, when were the Lamanites almost exterminated? Historical demographers call this a population nadir or low point as opposed to a zenith or high point. An excellent source for indigenous New World demography is William M. Denevan, editor, The Native Population of the Americas in 1492, second edition, (Madison and London: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1992).
    Credible Source for Native American Demographics
    Denevan's estimate for the native population of the hemisphere in 1492 is 53,904,000, of which 3,790,000 were north of the Rio Grande and 50,114,000 were south of it. Native population in Latin America reached its nadir in 1650 when only 4,000,000 indigenous individuals remained. In what would become the US and Canada, on the other hand, 1,600,000 natives were alive in 1650, some populations such as the Sac and Fox in Wisconsin, were increasing, and much of North America (Alaska, Canada) had been only marginally affected by European contact. The indigenous population in the US reached its nadir in 1890 when there were only 250,000 native Americans still living. The native population in Alaska and Canada reached its nadir about 1910 when 150,000 original Americans were still alive. So, the depopulation factor from zenith (contact) to nadir was 12.5 to 1 in Spanish and Portuguese America and 9.5 to 1 in English America.

    President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act on May 28, 1830 and the disastrous Trail of Tears from the southeastern US to Indian Territory (later Oklahoma) played out between 1831 and 1850. The Book of Mormon says the Lamanites would be driven and smitten almost out of existence prior to the restoration. The 240 year difference between native population nadirs in Latin America (1650) and English North America (1890 - 1910) means this particular Book of Mormon prophetic chronology fits best in a Latin American context.

    This is the tenth in a series of articles about fulfillment of Book of Mormon prophecies. You may also enjoy articles 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, and 009. Book of Mormon authors wrote their texts in part to demonstrate history vindicating prophets.

    Kirk Magleby volunteers as Executive Director of Book of Mormon Central, whose mission is to build faith in Jesus Christ by making the Book of Mormon accessible, comprehensible, and defensible in all the world. Book of Mormon Central currently publishes in English and Spanish.

    1830 Editions

    I was in Bryan Crockett's office in Salt Lake this afternoon. He is the printer who did the 1830 Palmyra Collector's Edition of the Book of Mormon, a mass-produced replica of the original 1830 edition. He also did a limited run 1830 Letterpress Edition which is a more faithful replica including cotton rag paper, letterpress printing technique, calfskin binding, and gold lettered spine titles about as close to the original 1830 as one is likely to get in the modern era. In some of the Letterpress Edition copies, he tips in one original page from a distressed 1830 edition that is being parted out page by page. People who are not likely to ever afford an 1830 edition (which can sell for $100,000 or more) can own a high quality replica that includes a single original page. I purchased two of these Letterpress Edition replicas. One has an original page from Jacob's allegory of the olive tree, the other an original page from the end of 3rd Nephi and the beginning of 4th Nephi.
    2 Copies of the LetterPress Replica Edition, and
     1 Copy of the 1830 Palmyra Collector's Edition 
    This is a single page from a distressed 1830 edition tipped into a LetterPress Replica Edition.
    Left Hand Page is from an 1830 Original Edition
    As satisfying as it is to finally own even a single page from one of the original 5,000 copies of the 1830 Book of Mormon, what really grabbed my attention was another book Bryan had on his desk. In his Palmyra print shop, EB Grandin sold an edition of the Bible. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery had Grandin produce the Book of Mormon to be about the same size and have the same look and feel as that Bible so people would easily recognize the new book as holy writ. The book of the left is one of the Bibles EB Grandin sold. The book on the right is one of Crockett's LetterPress Replicas of the 1830 edition Book of Mormon.
    Trade Bible Sold in 1830 with Book of Mormon Replica
    With similar physical characteristics, Ezekiel's prophecy of the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph becoming one in thine hand Ezekiel 37:16-20 seems very real and tangible.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 011

    The Book of Mormon in several places prophesies that gentiles in America will be numbered among the seed of Lehi or the house of Israel 1 Nephi 14:2, 2 Nephi 10:18-19, 3 Nephi 21:6, 3 Nephi 30:2. The text uses the term "numbered" to refer to membership in the true Church Moroni 6:4, 7. It also uses the term like a modern census taker would - to denote that a person belongs to a certain ethnic or political group Alma 45:13, 3 Nephi 2:14, 16.

    This prophecy has been fulfilled in a remarkable way in many Latin American countries where large percentages of the population are mestizos of mixed native American and European ancestry. So, for example, the CIA World Fact Book reports that Guatemala is 60.1% mestizo (aka ladino), Peru is 60.2%, and Mexico is 62% mestizo. Modern mestizos realize they are a new race and culture - neither Amerindian nor European, and they are proud of both legacies. In Latin American countries where mestizos predominate, gentiles are literally numbered among the seed of Lehi, aka remnant of Jacob, in direct fulfillment of 3 Nephi 21:22.
    Most Modern Mexicans and Many Latin Americans are Mestizos

    Prophecy Fulfilled 012

    The Book of Mormon says in the last days the Lamanites, aka remnant of the house of Jacob, will go forth among the numerous gentiles and be in the midst of them 3 Nephi 20:16. The text further prophesies the Lamanites will be among many different gentile nations 3 Nephi 20:20. It also says the remnant of Jacob will be among and in the midst of the gentiles in a position of power and influence 3 Nephi 21:12.

    In the great Latin American diaspora, Lamanites have literally gone forth as minorities among several gentile nations, many are currently living among or in the midst of gentiles, and in the case of Hispanics in the US, Lamanites are beginning to wield considerable power.

    The US Census Bureau reports that 57.5 million Hispanics were living in the US in 2016, comprising 17.8 % of the total US population. The Spanish Instituto Nacional de Estadística reports that in 2017 2,473,784 Latin Americans had emigrated to Spain, comprising 5.3% of the total Spanish population. These Latin American emigres are literally fulfilling the prophecies in 3 Nephi 20 & 21.
    Guatemalans Living in Spain, from the Spanish Newspaper El Pais

    Prophecy Fulfilled 013

    In Canada, American Indians are called "First Nations" and Indian Reservations are known as "Reserves." Canada has established more than 3,100 First Nations Reserves throughout the country. This is a map showing some of them from Alberta to Labrador.
    Some of the 3,100+ Canadian First Nations Reserves
    In the US, more than 56 million acres are protected in 326 Indian Reservations, Pueblos, etc. established in 41 of the 50 states. This is a map showing many of them:
    Many of the 326 Indian Reservations in the US
    No such system of protected reservations existed in most of Latin America until recent decades when native American rights have entered public discourse. Indigenous movements in Costa Rica and Argentina are making some headway, but for most of their history the countries of Spanish America did little to protect their natives.

    This disparity in the way native Americans were treated in English and Spanish America is relevant to our search for Book of Mormon lands. Samuel the Lamanite prophesied that in the latter times the Lamanites would be driven to and fro, hunted, smitten, scattered abroad, having no place for refuge Helaman 15:12. This prophecy fits in Spanish America. Indian reservations and First Nations reserves in English America directly contradict Samuel's words.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 014

    Nephi uses the curious expression "grind upon the face of the poor" in 2 Nephi 26:20. It is clear from context it is related to elites getting "gain." The expression comes from Isaiah 3:15 cited in 2 Nephi 13:15. Bible Hub is a convenient place to see multiple Bible translations of a single verse. Other renderings of this phrase are:

    • rubbed in the dirt the faces of the poor (Contemporary English Version)
    • take advantage of the poor (Good News Translation)
    • shame the face of the poor (Brenton Septuagint Translation)
    • grind the faces of the afflicted (Darby Bible Translation)
    Isaiah chapter 3 is generally interpreted as a condemnation of ancient Judaism which became so corrupt that rather than protecting vulnerable members of society, the rich exploited the poor and the strong exploited the weak (the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbor Isaiah 3:5). The predictable result was national poverty (this ruin, in my house are neither bread nor clothing Isaiah 3:6,7).

    Developmental economists call this condition "institutional" or "structural poverty" when a permanent overlord class benefits financially by depressing wages for the masses who struggle to survive in a radically unequal society. Economists have a measure of income inequality. They call it the Gini Coefficient. The CIA World Factbook publishes a list of most nations on earth ranked by Gini Index. Most Latin American countries are on the highly unequal end of the scale. As with all images on this blog, click to enlarge.
    Countries with Most Unequal Income Distribution
    European democracies with generous social safety nets are on the highly equal end of the scale.
    Countries with Most Equal Income Distribution
    The United States is the most unequal of countries in the middle tier.
    Countries in Middle Range of Income Distribution
    Furthermore, as most US citizens realize, the United States of America is rapidly becoming much more unequal as the rich get richer and the poor become less self-reliant. Throughout most of its history, though, the US has been quite egalitarian, a true land of opportunity where hard work tended to pay off with upward social mobility. The US also created strong social institutions (churches, schools, local governments) that tended to help the poor who wanted to help themselves.

    The reverse was true in Spanish America. Conquistadores exploited natives. Patrones exploited peones. Churches were rapacious, schools largely non-existant, and local governments highly corrupt. Institutional or structural poverty was endemic. Nephi's prophecy was explicitly fulfilled. Only in recent decades have many Latin American countries begun to educate and provide essential services to their most vulnerable. You will notice on the chart above that Argentina and Uruguay now outrank the US with flatter income distributions.

    I know a little about developmental economics in the Western Hemisphere. My book, Ending Global Poverty: The Microfranchise Solution, has been translated into multiple languages and downloaded millions of times. I state with some authority that Nephi's prophecy about the gentiles in the New World getting gain by exploiting the poor 2 Nephi 26:20 fits much better in Latin America than it does in the US or Canada.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 015

    The Savior prophesied that European gentiles would be established in the Americas as a free people 3 Nephi 21:4. Nephi clarified that the gentile nations in the Americas would have to win their independence on the battlefield, defeating their mother gentiles 1 Nephi 13:17, 18. This prophecy was dramatically fulfilled in 19 countries between 1783 and 1825.

    1783 United States of America - British Empire.
    1804 Haiti - First French Empire.
    1811 Paraguay - Spanish Empire.
    1816 Argentina - Spanish Empire.
    1818 Chile - Spanish Empire.
    1819 Colombia - Spanish Empire.
    1821 Venezuela, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama - Spanish Empire
    1822 Ecuador - Spanish Empire
    1824 Peru - Spanish Empire
    1825 Bolivia - Spanish Empire
    1825 Brazil - Portuguese Empire
    Diego Rivera Mural of the Grito de Dolores on September 16, 1810
    The Mexican case was typical. Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla gave the famous Grito de Dolores near Guanajuato on September 16, 1810. September 16th is celebrated as Mexican Independence Day. The Mexican War of Independence, though, dragged on for 11 years, finally ending on September 27, 1821 with the Treaty of Córdoba. During the long war, 15,000 Mexicans and 8,000 Spaniards were killed, and 450,000 Mexicans were wounded.

    Face of the Land

    This article will investigate meanings behind the Book of Mormon terms "face of the land" and "face of the earth" that occur over 125 times in the text. Virtually everyone who closely reads the Nephite record realizes it is highly consistent. Based on that consistency, we will determine these phrases' semantic range.

    First, the variants. In the text we find:
    • the face of the land
    • the whole face of the land
    • all the face of the land
    • the face of the earth
    • the face of this land
    • the face thereof
    • the face of all the land
    • the face of the waters
    • much of the face of the land
    • the whole face of the land northward
    • the face of the whole land
    • all the face of this land
    • the whole face of this land
    • the face of the land of promise
    • the face of the whole earth
    • all the face of the earth
    • the face of this earth
    • the face of all the earth
    Three senses permeate the usage of these phrases in various contexts. 1) We are dealing with the natural earth rather than man-made entities demarcated by political boundaries, 2) large extensions of territory up to continental or even planetary scale and the implication of wholeness, completeness, and totality, and 3) the land of the living on the surface of the planet rather than the heavens above or the underworld of the dead beneath.
    NASA Composite Image of the Western Hemisphere
    Examples of the natural earth rather than polities:
    • darkness for the space of three days over the face of the land 3 Nephi 8:3.
    • the whole face of the land was changed 3 Nephi 8:12.
    • no rain upon the face of the earth Ether 9:30.
    Examples of large extensions of territory up to continental or even planetary scale:
    • And the people had spread again over all the face of the land Ether 9:26.
    • carnage spread throughout all the face of the land, both on the part of the Nephites and also on the part of the Lamanites Mormon 2:8.
    • the Jews who were scattered upon all the face of the earth 1 Nephi 13:39.
    Examples of the land of the living as opposed to other realms:
    • the power of the evil one was wrought upon all the face of the land Mormon 1:19.numb
    • the Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the face of the land Alma 16:16.
    • the Son of God cometh upon the face of the earth Alma 7:9.
    With these meanings in mind, we are prepared to interpret passages in the text containing variants of the phrases "face of the land" and "face of the earth." This will allow us to publish Prophecy Fulfilled 016.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 016

    Nephi explained to his brothers that the Lord would raise up a mighty nation among the gentiles in the New World 1 Nephi 22:7. This prophecy uses the phrase "upon the face of this land" in the sense of a large extension of territory up to continental scale. See the article "Face of the Land." This mighty nation would scatter the Lamanites. Nephi's angel explained that this mighty nation would be without peer - "above all other nations upon the face of the land"1 Nephi 13:30. The phrase "face of the land" in this verse is also used in the sense of a large extension of territory up to continental or even planetary scale.

    Who was the most powerful gentile nation in the Americas for 329 years (1492 - 1821)? Spain. Who was the most powerful nation on the planet for 151 years (1492 - 1643)? Spain, the House of Habsburg, the western seat of the Holy Roman Empire. Some historians argue for Spanish dominance not just through the Battle of Rocroi (1643), but all the way to the War of Spanish Succession (1714) which would make Spain the most powerful nation in the world for 222 years.

    This is a map of the Spanish Empire aka Hispanic Monarchy aka Catholic Monarchy at its peak.
    Territories Once Part of the Spanish Empire
    Spain was the world's first global superpower, the first nation able to trade literally around the world. Every other European colonial power (France, England, Denmark, Netherlands) tried to copy Spain's success. Between 1580 and 1640 Spain and Portugal were united in a formidable concentration of power. France followed Spain as the world's most powerful nation and French dominance lasted through 1815 when England became pre-eminent.

    The mighty nation Nephi and the angel prophesied would dominate the Americas, dominate the world, and scatter Lehi's posterity was Spain.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 017

    Father Lehi prophesied that his posterity would be scattered upon all the face of the earth as part of the scattering of the house of Israel which was also going to be scattered upon all the face of the earth 1 Nephi 10:12-13. This suggests we will find Lamanites across a wide area in multiple modern nations. See the article "Face of the Land" for context.

    Samuel the Lamanite prophesied that the Lamanites would be driven to and fro upon the face of the earth and scattered abroad Helaman 15:12. The "face of the earth" reference implies a wide area in multiple modern nations as the article "Face of the Land" explains. "Scattered abroad" means moved from their homeland to distant places, even overseas places.

    Jesus Christ prophesied that the Lamanites would be scattered upon all the face of the land 3 Nephi 21:24. As above, this refers to a wide area in multiple modern nations.

    When the Spanish invaded the Americas, they explicitly fulfilled this prophecy. First, they sent enslaved Taino from the Caribbean to Spain. Then they imported Lucayo slaves from what we now call the Bahamas into Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). After despoiling the Nicaraguan natives of their gold and pearls, the Spanish enslaved them. 200,000 Nicaraguan slaves were exported to South America between 1528 and 1540 to work the rich mines in Peru. Most died en route or in the merciless mines. The Spanish sent enslaved natives from many places in Central America to Cuba and other Caribbean islands. Slaves from what is today Florida were sent throughout the Spanish realm, as were enslaved natives from northern South America (modern Colombia and Venezuela). The Pueblo Revolt in 1680 was caused by the enslavement of natives in what is today New Mexico who were sent to work the rich silver mines of central Mexico.

    A good source on native American slavery under Spanish rule is Andrés Reséndez, The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016).
    Important Book First Published in 2016
    Reséndez documents native Americans being scattered abroad, driven to and fro upon the face of the earth, and being scattered upon all the face of the land in direct fulfillment of Book of Mormon prophecy.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 018

    The Savior prophesied that the Gentiles would help gather the remnant of Jacob (Lehi's posterity) in unto the New Jerusalem 3 Nephi 21:23-24. The city New Jerusalem will be built at some future date in Jackson County, Missouri D&C 84:2-4. The scriptures also reference a land called New Jerusalem associated with the city D&C 45:663 Nephi 20:22.

    This prophecy is being fulfilled as thousands of missionaries from the United States and other Gentile nations serve throughout Latin America. Inevitably, some of those who join the Church in Latin America emigrate to the U.S. I served in Peru from 1972 - 1974 and some of the members of the Church I worked with in that country now reside in the U.S.
    Sisters from the U.S. at the Mexico City MTC
    The "B" on the hill in the photo above stands for "Benemerito de las Americas," the name of the school whose campus became the MTC in 2013. Thousands of young Mexican Latter-day Saints who received an excellent high school education at Benemerito went on to be leaders of the Church in their country. The school letter on the hill is a transplanted Utah tradition.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 019

    Nephi saw in vision the book of the Lamb of God which had proceeded forth from the mouth of the Jew (Bible) going from the Gentiles (Europeans) to the remnant of the seed of his brethren (Lamanites) 1 Nephi 13:38.

    This prophecy was dramatically fulfilled in 1553 and 1554 when Domingo de Vico's Theologia Indorum was composed and distributed in Guatemala. de Vico was a Dominican friar with a gift for languages. After studying at Úbeda and Salamanca, he came to Guatemala in 1544. His Theologia Indorum translated biblical passages into Mayan with commentary. Over a dozen hand-written manuscripts exist today in the Newberry Library in Chicago, the University of Pennsylvania Library, the Firestone Library at Princeton, the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, and the Bibliothèque nacionale in Paris. The various copies are in Kaqchikel, Q'eqchi', Tz'utujil, and K'iche' Mayan. We know from historical sources that the Theologia Indorum was translated into other Mayan dialects as well, but those manuscripts are lost to science.
    Domingo de Vico, Theologia Indorum in K'iche' Mayan
    American Philosophical Society Indian ms. 178
    Domingo de Vico was killed while preaching to the Lacandon Maya in 1555. His work is the longest manuscript in a native American language known from the colonial era and the first translation of the Bible into a New World language.

    Prophecy Fulfilled 020

    Father Lehi prophesied that multiple nations would come to the Americas and take the native's land away from them 2 Nephi 1:11. These 13 European nations colonized parts of the New World beginning in the years indicated:
    1. Spain 1492
    2. Portugal 1500
    3. France 1534
    4. England 1607
    5. Netherlands 1615
    6. Scotland 1622
    7. Courland & Semigallia (Poland, Lithuania) 1637
    8. Sweden 1638
    9. Knights Hospitaller (Malta) 1651
    10. Denmark 1665
    11. Brandenburg - Prussia 1689
    12. Norway 1754
    13. Russia 1784
    Extent of Spanish and Portuguese Empires in 1790
    By the mid 1700's nearly all of the Western Hemisphere was claimed by one of the European colonial powers. Lehi's prophecy was explicitly fulfilled. 

    Toward Consensus on Nephi and Zarahemla

    Book of Mormon geographical correlations are being proposed throughout the Americas. Serious Book of Mormon geographical correlations are being proposed from the Andes on the south (George Potter, Bret Eborn) to Baja  California on the north (Lynn & David Rosenvall). Several serious Book of Mormon geographical correlations are being proposed in Mesoamerica. Looking at the Mesoamerican theories, I find it impressive how tightly clustered the various proposals for the city of Nephi and the city of Zarahemla are within the vast landscape of Mesoamerica (about 830,000 square kilometers or about the size of Texas and Louisiana combined).
    Proposed Nephis and Zarahemlas
    Six correlations are represented on the map above.
    1. Aric Turner in the RLDS (Community of Christ and Restoration Branch) tradition put Nephi at San Juan, Baja Verapaz and Zarahemla at Yaxchilan, Chiapas.
    2. Gareth W. Lowe put Nephi at Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala and Zarahemla at Santa Cruz, Chiapas.
    3. John L. Sorenson followed by Joseph & Blake Allen put Nephi at Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala and Zarahemla at Santa Rosa, Chiapas.
    4. Robert Roylance & Richard Terry put Nephi at Tzalcam, Baja Verapaz and Zarahemla at Ceibal, Peten.
    5. F. Richard Hauck followed by Joe V. Andersen, Stanford S. Smith, and Lenard C. Brunsdale put Nephi at Tzalcam, Baja Verapaz and Zarahemla at Salinas de los Nueve Cerros, Alta Verapaz.
    6. V. Garth Norman followed by Kirk Magleby & Javier Tovar put Nephi at Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala and Zarahemla at Nueva Esperanza, Chiapas.
    The distance from the northernmost Nephi candidate (San Juan) to the southernmost candidate (Kaminaljuyu) is 84 air kilometers (about Salt Lake City to Brigham City). The furthest distance between any of the six Zarahemla candidates (Santa Cruz to Ceibal) is 288 air kilometers (about  Salt Lake City, UT to Twin Falls, ID). The shaded area around the proposed Nephis is 2,300 square kilometers (a little over half the size of Rhode Island). The shaded area around the proposed Zarahemlas is 40,000 square kilometers (just under half the size of South Carolina).

    A priority is to identify the river Sidon (Grijalva, Usumacinta, or Pasion tributary of the Usumacinta) which would shrink the potential Zarahemla landscape significantly. I (Kirk Magleby) became convinced the Usumacinta is the Sidon after working on the problem during the second half of 2011. See the article The Usumacinta/Sidon Correlation. Discoveries since that time have significantly strengthened the Usumacinta/Sidon correlation. See for example "Obsidian Trade Patterns,""75 BC," and "Ground-Truthed LiDar."

    Eventually, truth will prevail. In the meantime, it is satisfying to know movement toward consensus is possible because many of the Mesoamerican correlations are relatively close to each other for the key sites Nephi and Zarahemla.
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