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Book of Mormon Lands Lehite Old World Map January 2016

This is my best effort at a map of the Book of Mormon lands traversed by Lehi and his family in the Old World.
Old World Book of Mormon Lands ca. 600 BC
This map derives from the excellent work done by LDS explorers of the Arabian Peninsula:
  • Lynn and Hope Hilton
  • Warren Aston
  • George Potter, Richard Wellington, and Craig Thorsted
Ric Hauck has obtained a permit from the Omani government to dig Khor Khofot. Sponsored by the Khor Khofot Foundation, an expedition with 5 archaeologists (all but 1 not of our faith) and a number of support personnel begins their first field season on or about February 5, 2016. This will be the first archaeological dig at a likely Book of Mormon site whose correlation enjoys near consensus support among LDS Book of Mormon scholars.

My best effort at a map of Book of Mormon lands in the New World is here.

Red Herrings

The Book of Mormon was first offered for sale to the public in Palmyra, New York on March 26, 1830. I am writing this on January 27, 2016. The Book of Mormon has been generally available now for 67,878 days or 185 years, 10 months, and 2 days. Why do we not yet have a generally accepted New World map?
  • Is the Book of Mormon true? Yes.
  • Does the Book of Mormon text include hundreds of data points that could help establish a real world location? Yes.
  • Have hundreds of intelligent people spent hundreds of thousands of hours working on the problem? Yes.
Then, why has the puzzle not been solved? (Actually, I believe it has. See the article "Book of Mormon Lands Map January 2016.") It is highly likely one or more red herrings has kept most researchers barking up the wrong tree all these years.

Red Herring. Noun. "A clue that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting."
Origin of the Term "Red Herring"
Has there been a red herring in the Book of Mormon geography enterprise? Yes. In fact, I believe there have been two of them.

A side note: One of the many reasons to visit Bergen, Norway is to see the quayside Bryggen, Hanseatic League offices and warehouses that were used to ship dried, smoked herring and cod all over northern Europe.

Red Herring #1. The narrow neck of land is an isthmus.

The narrow neck is referenced twice in the text. Alma 63:5 says the narrow neck was on the west sea by the Bountiful/Desolation border. Ether 10:20 says the narrow neck was by a single Jaredite city at a point where we will find a distinctive land/sea/land pattern in the coastline. Is there anything in these verses that suggests an isthmus between two oceans? No. These verses are describing a portion of the west seacoast.

Some students believe the small neck referenced in Alma 22:32 is the same natural feature as the narrow neck. I share this view and typically call it the narrow (small) neck of land. Alma 22:32 describes the same Bountiful/Desolation border we saw in Alma 63:5, adding that the boundary line was a relatively short day and a half journey from a point in the east to the west sea. Alma 22:33 adds that the Bountiful/Desolation border was a defensive line manned by Nephite military personnel on the Bountiful side. The military mission was to keep the Lamanites hemmed in on the south. Mormon tells us again that the Bountiful/Desolation defensive line ran from an unspecified point in the east to the west sea. Is there anything in these verses that suggests an isthmus between two oceans? No. These verses are describing a portion of the west seacoast where the topography supported a relatively short defensible east/west line. Helaman 4:7 describes a similar shorter defensive line in the same general area that ran from an unspecified point in the east to the west sea. Alma 50:34 says that near the Bountiful/Desolation border a seaside narrow pass led from the land southward into the land northward. How many seas were there by the narrow pass? One, but it had both an easterly and a westerly component. This is likely a portion of the west seacoast where a sandbar separated the open ocean from a saltwater lagoon. All of these passages refer to one and only one ocean - the west sea.

What do we call a narrow neck of land that runs along a seacoast? A peninsula. The isthmian correlation is a red herring that has waylaid Book of Mormon mapmakers for generations. Many interesting details about the narrow (small) neck of land and environs are found in these 12 articles:
Ric Hauck was the first to point out the non-isthmian nature of the narrow neck in his important 1988 Deciphering the Geography of the Book of Mormon.
    Red Herring #2. Ammonihah was west of Sidon because Melek was west of Sidon.

    Melek was west of Sidon Alma 8:3, but how far west? Could it have been 100 kilometers to the west as some theorists propose? No. Textual scholars, Royal Skousen chief among them, recognize that the Book of Mormon is highly consistent in its word usage patterns. Skousen calls this tendency "systematic phraseology." The phrases "east of Sidon" and "west of Sidon" can be shown in other contexts Alma 6:7, Alma 43:53 to mean riverside. Therefore, the fact that Melek was west of Sidon almost certainly means that it too adjoined the river. If Sidon flowed northwesterly past Melek, Ammonihah would be north of Melek Alma 8:6, but east of Sidon. Mesoamerican rivers that have been seriously considered as Sidon - the Pasion, Usumacinta, and Mezcalapa - Grijalva, all flow northwesterly over much of their length. The Mezcalapa - Grijalva is shown on the map below as it flowed in Book of Mormon times. See the article "Wandering River."
    3 Sidon Candidates, all Flowing Northwesterly
    Ammonihah was the headquarters of the cult of Nehor Alma 15:15, Alma 16:11 and his successor, Amlici Alma 2:1. Gideon was a teacher in the Church Alma 1:7 in his namesake valley Alma 2:20. Gideon was explicitly east of Sidon Alma 6:7. Nehor was travelling through Gideon to reach Ammonihah Alma 1:5-7 when he contended with, then slew the aged Gideon Alma 1:9. Therefore, Ammonihah was east of Sidon. When Amlici invaded Zarahemla, he attacked from the east Alma 2:15. Therefore, Ammonihah was east of Sidon. Ammonihah was associated with Aaron Alma 8:13-16. Aaron was associated with Nephihah and Moroni Alma 50:14 in the SE quadrant Alma 50:13 of the greater land of Zarahemla. Therefore, Ammonihah was east of Sidon.

    These articles lay out the details of Ammonihah in context east of the central Sidon corridor.
    Garth Norman was the first to show Ammonihah east of Sidon in his seminal 2006 Book of Mormon - Mesoamerican Geography: History Study Map.

      You Tube

      Book of Mormon Central has now been publishing KnoWhys five times a week for a month. Each KnoWhy is a brief, illustrated, foot-noted essay about some interesting facet of the Book of Mormon and its significance. Each KnoWhy gets co-published simultaneously on bookofmormoncentral.org and Meridian Magazine. The essays are sent out as PDF attachments to an opt-in list of email subscribers. A short KnoWhy video gets posted on Facebook, Google+, and YouTube. Content appropriate to each venue gets posted on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr. An unpaid management team (Jack Welch, Kirk Magleby, Taylor Halverson) directs the synthesized efforts of full-time staff (Neal Rappleye, Stephen Smoot, Jasmin Gimenez, Zander Sturgill, Matt Cutler, Jared Riddick, Nicole Shepherd, David Larsen, and Alejandro Martinez) and part-time freelancers (Amanda Cook, Scott Christopher, Nick Galieti, Robert Starling, Tayler Nelson, and Jody Livingston). Terrific volunteers help with research, writing, editing, reviewing, art, music, photography, graphic design, etc. Volunteers include Alan Miner (Utah), Garth Norman (Utah), David Osborn (Monaco), Scott Hoyt (Texas), James Stutz (Texas), Jonathan (J Max) Wilson (Utah), Quinten Barney (Utah), Mickey Cochran (Utah), Jerry Grover (Utah), Walker Wright (Texas), Jerel Lindley (Utah), Joe V. Andersen (Arizona), Ugo Perego (Italy), Lee Donaldson (Utah), Jacob Rennaker (California), LeGrand Baker (Utah), Amanda Brown (Israel), Don Norton (Utah), Tim Barker (California), Russell Stevenson (Utah), Mike Peterson (Utah), Art Brothers (Utah), Paul Brooks (England), and Blake Dalton (Utah). Book of Mormon Central needs many more good volunteers who want to help share this marvelous work and wonder with the world. If interested, go to Book of Mormon Central Contact and message the Exec. Director.

      YouTube is a special case. We posted our first video just after midnight on Friday, January 1, 2016. Within minutes, YouTube took our video down and shortly thereafter our entire channel went dark. Our social media publisher got an email saying we were in violation of community guidelines - i.e. people were complaining to YouTube that we were spamming them. The allegations were groundless so we began the lengthy process of written appeals to Google. After weeks of being in limbo, Jack Welch's brother, James, who is Bishop of the Stanford YSA Ward, ran into a ward member who works for YouTube. Our channel was quickly restored.
      Book of Mormon Central YouTube Channel
      There are currently 22 KnoWhy videos posted along with an intro piece. If we can hang onto our channel, we intend to continue posting KnoWhy videos on YouTube for years. Over time, this will become a significant resource for students of the text.

      YouTube's system of crowd-sourced policing is effective. It puts the burden of proof on content publishers to remain compliant with community standards. The down side is that organized haters can take down a YouTube channel through a coordinated campaign of unfounded complaints.

      A side note: James B. Welch is a professional organist affiliated with the University of Santa Clara. I last heard him in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. He opened the 2015 summer organ recital series at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. 

      Partake of the Fruit

      Kaminaljuyu (KJ), A-List candidate for the city of Nephi, was the largest and most important site in the Maya highlands during Book of Mormon times. It was located precisely where modern Guatemala City stands today. In 1983, utility crews excavating at the corner of 30th Avenue and 6th Street in Zone 7 found the large stone sculpture known as Monument 65. Archaeologists date it to ca. 150 BC. It depicts 3 rulers, each flanked by captives in postures of humiliation and defeat. This is the top of the stone.
      KJ Monument 65 Top, Museo Nacional
      Photo by Kirk Magleby, Dec. 27, 2015
      And this is the bottom of the stone with different light,
      KJ Monument 65 Bottom, Museo Nacional
      Photo by Kirk Magleby, Dec. 27, 2015
      Possible Book of Mormon correspondences are obvious:
      • If KJ is Nephi, then the location of this artifact is relevant.
      • King Noah reigned in Nephi ca. 150 BC, so the date of this artifact is relevant.
      • The scene depicts 3 rulers seated on benches or thrones. The text describes a throne for King Noah Mosiah 11:9 and seats for his priests Mosiah 11:11.
      • The center right captive wears a large belt, girdle, or loin cloth around his waist. Lamanites in King Zeniff's era wore leathern girdles about their loins Mosiah 10:8.
      • The captives' hands are bound. Captives were brought bound to King Noah Mosiah 12:9 and King Limhi Mosiah 7:7-8.
      • The captives have been stripped of their clothes. Captives in the greater land of Nephi ca. 90 BC were stripped naked Alma 20:29.
      The most curious iconographic features on this stone are the 3 small circles just in front of the rulers' noses and upper lips. Other KJ sculpted pieces from this same late pre-classic time period also have the small circles just in front of rulers' noses and lips. Stela 10 has 2 examples. Stela 10 was found in situ by archaeologists. It dates to the Miraflores/Verbena phase ca. 200 - 1 BC.
      KJ Stela 10 Drawing with Small Circles on Upper Left & Lower Figures
      This is a closeup of the upper left figure showing the small circle just in front of his nose and upper lip.
      KJ Stela 10 Detail, Museo Nacional
      Photo by Kirk Magleby, Dec. 27, 2015
      We see the same thing on KJ Stela 11 which dates to the late pre-classic ca. 200 BC - AD 250.
      KJ Stela 11 Drawing by Linda Schele
      This is a closeup of the man in the mask. He has a small circle just in front of his nose and upper lip.
      KJ Stela 11 Detail, Museo Nacional
      Photo by Kirk Magleby, Dec. 27, 2015
      About 190 kilometers west of KJ is the allied site of Takalik Abaj (TA). The best-known sculpture piece from TA is Stela 5, carved in AD 126 to commemorate the transfer of power from one ruler to another, likely from father to son. The scene depicts the two rulers flanking a double column of hieroglyphs.
      TA Stela 5 Drawing
      This closeup photo shows both rulers with a small circle just in front of their noses and upper lips.
      TA Stela 5 Detail
      Clearly, small circles in front of elite faces was a stylistic convention in the Guatemalan highlands in the late pre-classic. We also find the motif in the lowlands at this same time period. This is a drawing of the accession scaffold from San Bartolo (SB) dated to ca. 100 BC. Mark Wright draws parallels between this scene and the coronation of King Mosiahon a tower as described in Mosiah 2:7. See his 2014 article "Axes Mundi: Ritual Complexes in Mesoamerica and the Book of Mormon" in Interpreter.
      SB Accession Scaffold Mural Drawing, Museo Nacional
      Photo by Kirk Magleby, Dec. 27, 2015
      This scene depicts power being transferred form the ruler on the left to the ruler on the right who sits atop a scaffold with quincunx symbols at the joints. Both figures show the small circle just in front of their noses and upper lips. One other interesting detail about San Bartolo: the principal investigator at this site is William Saturno of Harvard's Peabody Museum. Saturno has been partially funded by the Leon & Randie Reinhart family, LDS membes from Southern California who have also supported John L. Sorenson's work.

      La Mojarra Stela 1 has a clear example of a small circle just in front of an elite figure's nose and mouth.This monument, discovered in 1986 near the Olmec site of Tres Zapotes, contains the dates AD 143 and AD 156. The original is on display in the Museo de Antropologia in Xalapa, Veracruz.
      La Mojarra Stela 1 Drawing by George Stuart
      This is a closeup of La Mojarra Stela 1.
      La Mojarra Stela 1 Detail
      El Baul Stela 1 has another good example. The figure looking down from the heavens has a small circle just in front of his nose and upper lip. This monument contains the date AD 37.
      El Baul Stela 1 Drawing
      This is a closeup of the figure looking down from above.
      El Baul Stela 1 Detail
      A similar scene is depicted on La Venta Stela 3 dated prior to 400 BC. The upper right celestial figure has a small circle in front of his nose and mouth.
      La Venta Stela 3 Photo & Drawing
      Middle pre-classic La Venta Stela 13 has the same motif.
      La Venta Stela 13 Drawing
      This bearded figure with plumed headdress, beaded necklace, and tasseled sandals, has a small circle immediately in front of his nose and upper lip.
      La Venta Stela 13 Photo of Basalt Sculpture
      We have now seen examples of this small circle motif on 8 sculpted monuments and 1 painted mural from 6 different pre-classic sites. This iconographic representation continues into the classic period, Examples are known, for example, from Palenque, Tikal and Copan. 

      We now turn our attention to the meaning of this small circle symbol. Our interpretive models will come from the pre-classic site of Izapa and the text of the Book of Mormon.

      Anthropomorphic Trees

      Mesoamerican iconography shows the curious idea that trees or other large plants can grow in or from humans. Here is one example from page 34 of the post-classic Codex Fejervary-Mayer thought to have originated in Veracruz.
      Aztec God of Rain, Tlaloc, Tending a Human Maize Plant 
      And here is another example from page 33 of the same Codex Fejervary-Mayer.
      Aztec Goddess of Water & Childbirth, Chalchiuhtlicue,
      Tending a Human Maize Plant
      This example is from the post-classic Codex Borgia thought to have originated in Puebla.
      Tree Growing from Skeletal Figure Codex Borgia 53
      This is of interest, of course, because the Book of Mormon refers to anthropomorphic trees. Alma 32:28 talks about planting a seed in one's heart that grows into a tree Alma 32:41. Alma may have been alluding to an existing Mesoamerican image, painting a mental picture that his Zoramite hearers in Antionum would have undersood. This, for example, is page 3 of the Dresden Codex which dates to ca. AD 1100 and comes from Chichen Itza, Yucatan. It depicts the tree of life growing out of the sacrificed body of the maize god.
      Anthropomorphic Tree from Dresden Codex 3
      Scholars think the Dresden is a copy of an older codex originally painted ca. AD 800. This makes it the oldest pre-Columbian book currently known to science.

      See the article "Light from LA" point #38 for another depiction of an anthropomorphic tree from Yucatan.

      Sea Divides the Land

      I was in the lobby of the Grand Tikal Futura Hotel in Guatemala City visiting with Rolando Amado on Dec. 26, 2015. He is a native Guatemalan who knows the country well. As an agronomist and lay anthropologist, he has traveled extensively throughout the region. He is an avid student of the Book of Mormon who has spent years documenting astronomical alignments at important sites like Tikal. He is a brother to Carlos Amado, an emeritus member of the Seventy. Rolando told me about a powerful experience he had with the text. He thought one of the anchor points he should be able to locate on the modern map is the place where the sea divides the land referenced in Ether 10:20. After years investigating coastal features, he looked at the inlet to Mar Muerto on the coast of Chiapas, Mexico and decided that had to be the place. It was the only feature he had found along the entire coast of southern Mexico or Central America that to his mind precisely fit the text.
      Rolando Amado/'s Proposed Place where the Sea Divides the Land
      A person traveling northward along this coast would have to detour 203 kilometers around Mar Muetto, then Laguna Inferior, then Laguna Superior to stay on solid ground and get back to an uninterrupted coastline.
      203 Kilometer Detour around Mar Muerto
      Bro. Amado felt confident this was the place Moroni was describing in Ether chapter 10.

      The Book of Mormon Lands Map January 2016 agrees precisely with Rolando Amado. It correlates the place where the sea divides the land with the Mar Muerto Inlet that is the coastal border between the Mexican states of Chiapas on the southward and Oaxaca on the northward. See the article "The Narrow (Small) Neck of Land" point #13 for more discussion on this point. The article "Some Questions and a Rule" sheds additional light on this place where the sea does indeed divide the land.


      Dave Gray of Warwick, Queensland, Australia was my roommate for 10 days recently while we wandered around Guatemala as part of a tour group led by Mark Wright. After Guatemala, I promptly returned home and went back to work. Dave was able to go to Austin, Texas and attend the 2016 Maya Meetings. He told me about an important doctoral dissertation written by Lucia Ross Henderson in 2013 at UT Austin. Entitled Bodies Politic, Bodies in Stone: Imagery of the Human and the Divine in the Sculpture of Late Preclassic Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala. Her dissertation committee included such luminaries as David Stuart (UT Austin), Julia Guernsey (UT Austin), Barbara Arroyo (Proyecto Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala City), and Karl Taube (UC Riverside). Henderson's dissertation has proven so insightful in the last couple of weeks I decided to lay out the points of tangency (John L. Sorenson calls them "correspondences") I see between her interpretations of life in and around Kaminaljuyu and my interpretations of life described in the text of the Book of Mormon.

      Kaminaljuyu may be the city of Nephi. The January, 2016 Book of Mormon Lands Map makes this correlation, as do maps by John L. Sorenson (1985, 2013), Joseph L. Allen (1989, 2008), V. Garth Norman (2006), Clate W. Mask, Jr. (unpublished), and Shelby Saberon (unpublished).
      Kaminaljuyu Mound Surrounded by Modern Guatemala City
      Photo by Kirk Magleby Dec. 27, 2015
      When trying to reconstruct the past, texts are the most useful because they describe people, places, artifacts and belief systems in some sort of context. Art is the next most useful because it depicts people, places, artifacts and belief systems in some sort of context. Material remains (artifacts) are less useful because their relationship to people, places and belief systems is subject to modern interpretation and contexts can be difficult to establish. Fortunately for our present purpose we have a remarkably rich ancient American text (the Book of Mormon), significant art from Kaminaljuyu and allied sites such as Takalik Abaj and Izapa, and decades of archaeological investigation carried out in spite of inexorable encroachment from urban Guatemala City.

      Citations reference Henderson's 773 page dissertation unless otherwise indicated. Kaminaljuyu is abbreviated "KJ" for convenience. One of my assumptions about the Book of Mormon text is that "Lehi-Nephi," a politically correct term used only during the reigns of Zeniff, Noah and Limhi, was otherwise called simply "Nephi."

      1. p. xi KJ reached apogee in the late preclassic (300 BC - AD 250). This matches up well with Book of Mormon chronology.

      2. p. xi KJ was the largest and most influential site in the Maya highlands. Nephi was the chief city in its environs Alma 47:20.

      3. p. xi KJ was in the highlands. One went up to the land of Nephi from Zarahemla Mosiah 7:1, and from the wilderness between Zarahemla and Nephi Mosiah 7:4.

      4. p. xi Human sacrifice was known to the people of KJ. Human sacrifice was known to Book of Mormon peoples Mormon 4:14.

      5. p. xi A god known to science as the Principal Bird Deity (PBD) was revered at KJ. Jesus Christ was described in the Book of Mormon with avian characteristics 2 Nephi 25:13.

      6. p. xi Water represented deity at KJ. Water represented deity in the Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 11:25.

      7. p. xi Wind represented deity at KJ. Wind represented deity in the Book of Mormon Ether 2:24.

      8. p. xi Public performances at KJ were auditory phenomena. Book of Mormon peoples gathered to hear their king Mosiah 2:6.

      9. p. xii Rulers in KJ wore costumes. Apparel was important in Zeniff's Nephi Mosiah 10:5.

      10. p. xii KJ was ruled by kings. Nephi was ruled by kings Mosiah 7:9.

      11. p. xii Kings in KJ were sustained by the supernatural and the divine. Nephite kings were sustained by the divine Mosiah 8:14.

      Origins of K'inich Yax K'uk' Mo'

      K'inich Yax K'uk' Mo' (KYKM) founded a Copan dynasty that ruled for nearly 400 years from AD 426 to 820. T. Douglas Price of the University of Wisconsin - Madison and Robert J. Sharer of the University of Pennsylvania excavated his tomb and subjected his remains to isotopic analysis to determine where he grew up. They concluded that he probably spent his adolescent years at Tikal which is 268 air kilometers NNW of Copan.

      Hieroglyphs at Copan deciphered more than 25 years ago referred to him as a foreigner. David Stuart of the University of Texas - Austin found an inscription in 2007 at Copan that refers to him as a lord of Caracol. Arlen & Diane Chase of the University of Central Florida - Orlando have found evidence that by AD 150 Caracol had extensive ties to settlements near Copan. Price and Sharer interpreted offerings in KYKM's tomb to mean he had strong ties to both Tikal and Teotihuacan. Teotihuacan, 1,164 air kilometers WNW of Copan, established some form of hegemony over Tikal and many other classic Maya sites beginning with the famous Entrada of AD 378.

      These kinds of long-distance connections are changing the way we speak of the Maya. Long thought to be independent city states with shared cultural characteristics, current scholars are now using some form of the term "colony" to describe Maya social and political relationships.
      • Most stelae dedicated throughout the Maya colonials are plain. Elizabeth A. Newsome, "The Ontology of Being and Spiritual Power in the Stone Monument Cults of the Lowland Maya."RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics, Vol. 33, Autumn 1998.
      • Copan is an example of colonial expansion from the central Maya lowlands. T. Douglas Price, James H. Burton, Robert J. Sharer, Jane E. Bulkstra, Lori E. Wright, Loa P. Traxler, and Katherine A. Miller, "Kings and Commoners at Copan: Isotopic Evidence for Origins and Movement in the Classic Maya Period,"Journal of Anthropological Archaeology Vol. 29, Issue 1, March 2010.
      This is all very good news for the Book of Mormon which posits politically dependent relationships between distant polities. For example, Ammonihah and Noah both depended on Zarahemla for their defense Alma 16:2-3. This is also good news for the January 2010 Book of Mormon Lands Map which assumes both the Nephites and Lamanites operated over scattered territory hundreds of kilometers in extent.

      Copan, Caracol, Tikal and Teotihuacan in Context
      The text of the Book of Mormon is plausible in its proposed setting.

      Takeshi Inomata

      Takeshi Inomata is one of the foremost dirt archaeologists currently excavating in Mesoamerica. He has worked extensively at the sites of Aguateca and Ceibal.
      Aguateca and Ceibal in the Petexbatun Region, Peten, Guatemala
      Inomata holds a PhD from Vanderbilt. He is a prolific author and National Geographic grantee on the faculty at the University of Arizona. This year he is on leave working at Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard's research facility in Washington, DC. I was privileged to hear him speak on Tuesday, March 8th at BYU. These are my notes from his lecture.

      Don Forsyth, NWAF Director, and John E. Clark, former NWAF Director, were both in the audience. Inomata praised NWAF for the good work they have done over decades to help shed light on the Mesoamerican preclassic. He defines the middle preclassic as the time period from 1,000 BC to 350 BC. Sites like El Mirador and San Bartolo have pushed Maya origins back in time. In the early preclassic, not much was happening in the Maya lowlands. Maize agriculture suddenly became much more productive ca. 1,000 BC which helps explain the rise of major Maya centers in the lowlands.

      Jade celts from Ceibal date to 950 BC. To put this into perspective, Caral on the coast of Peru is pre-ceramic and dates to 2,600 BC. (To see a photo I took at Caral in 2014, see the blog article "Things Peruvian.") Watson Brake in northern Louisiana is also pre-ceramic and dates to 3,500 BC. Evolutionary theorists have traditionally held that agriculture led to sedentism which led to urbanism which led to ritual complexes. That is simply not true. We see ritual very early in the archaeological record.

      San Lorenzo was followed by La Venta as the leading Olmec site. La Venta and Ceibal were linked and influence was bi-directional. In general, La Venta was primary and Ceibal was secondary. Ca. 1,000 BC the lowland Maya emergence began, fueled by maize agriculture. Ceibal was part of the Vanderbilt Petexbatun Regional Archaeological Project (1989 - 96) that investigated causes of the classic Maya collapse. Inomata's 1995 dissertation was an analysis of the way the collapse played out at Aguateca. He did fieldwork at Ceibal from 2005 - 2015. Rather than focus on the collapse, during the last decade he has been trying to understand the origins of the site.

      Inomata described what he called the middle preclassic "Chiapas pattern." An E Group was oriented on an east - west axis with the structures laid out in a particular format. Greenstone axes were placed in a cruciform shaped foundation deposit along the center line of the E Group. This pattern was found at La Venta, San Isidro, Chiapa de Corzo, and Ceibal. This Chiapas Pattern was evident from the very beginning of the Ceibal community. Major construction phases at Ceibal began ca. 950 BC, 700 BC, and 400 BC. Substantial construction was in place by 800 BC. We see an elite residential complex at 800 BC. From 700 - 350 BC we see the fully developed Chiapas Pattern at Ceibal and several other sites.

      William Rust did important work at La Venta. La Venta was not a large center before 800 BC. El Manati also had a greenstone ax deposit, but those axes were arranged in a flower petal shape. The El Manati cache dates to 1,400 - 1,100 BC. There were many ax caches at Ceibal. Some of the earliest ones were laid out in a flower petal arrangement. We also see Olmec spoons at Ceibal, probably worn as pectorals. From 800 - 600 BC all of the ax caches at Ceibal were laid out in cruciform shape aligned to the cardinal directions. An Olmec style pyrite mirror was found at Ceibal dating to 800 BC. Olmec figurines at the  site date from 800 - 600 BC. Greenstone axes in cruciform shaped caches were found at La Venta, Chiapa de Corzo, San Isidro, and Cival after 800 BC.
      Five Sites with Inomata's Chiapas Pattern after 800 BC
      Archaeologists love to find early dates. 1,200 BC dates have been published for Cahal Pech and Cuello in Belize. Inomata thinks those very early dates should be thrown out as outliers. Examining the C-14 data carefully, he thinks 1,000 BC is a good origin date for Cuello, Blackman Eddy, Nakbe, Cahal Pech, and Ceibal.
      Five Sites Inomata Thinks Began Ca. 1,000 BC
      1,000 BC is the beginning of the middle preclassic. A dramatic increase in maize consumption began at this time. By 1,100 BC San Lorenzo was in decline. At Ojo de Agua we may have a prototype of the Chiapas Pattern ca. 1,100 BC. There is evidence of cultural contact between Ceibal and Finca Acapulco as well as La Blanca. Cultural contact between the Central Depression of Chiapas and the Pasion River area is well established.
      Sites with Known Cultural Contact during the Middle Preclassic
      Inomata then mentioned other sites where the Chiapas Pattern is evident in the middle preclassic: Takalik Abaj, Izapa, La Libertad, Paso de Armada, Itzan, Alrar de Sacrificios, Punta de Chimino, Caobal, and Tikal. He showed two very important images showing Ceibal being influenced from La Venta and Chiapas as well as the southern Maya lowlands. Cultural influences flowed both directions. La Venta had early Maya influence just as the early Maya sites had late Olmec influence. Here is a composite image that showing where influences on Ceibal were coming from in the middle preclassic.
      Areas that Influenced Ceibal in the Middle Preclassic
      This map has profound implications for the accurate placement of Zarahemla.

      Omani Metal Bows

      1 Nephi 16:18 tells the story of Nephi's broken steel bow. The incident happened ca. 600 BC along the Red Sea coast of modern Saudi Arabia. See the article "Book of Mormon Lands Lehite Old World Map January 2016." The question naturally arises, "Are metal bows attested in Arabian Peninsula archaeology during the Iron Age II?" The answer is yes. Thanks to Robert F. Smith for this gem passed along via Warren Aston.

      The French Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) is the largest basic research organization in Europe. They support the French archaeological mission in central Oman which has been excavating near the town of Adam since 2007 in cooperation with Oman's Ministry of Heritage and Culture. At the site of Mudhmar est the French team found an exceptional cache of bronze weapons dating from the Iron Age II (900 - 600 BC). The collection consisted of five battle axes, five daggers, two quivers each with six arrows, about fifty arrowheads and five bows. The bows are bent at both ends and average approximately 70 centimeters (27 inches) in length. This is a photograph of one of the bows.
      Bronze Bow from Central Oman
      Photograph by Guillaume Gernez 
      The weapons are decorative rather than functional. The string in the example above, for instance, is made of the same bronze as the bow. Archaeologists consider them scale models of the real objects.This is a photograph of the two quivers.
      Copper/Bronze Quivers from Central Oman
      Photograph by Guillaume Gernez
      The quivers are about 35 centimeters (13 inches) long. This is the March 10, 2016 CNRS Press Release in French and English.

      This map shows Mudhmar est relative to a possible site for the Lehite Camp of the Broken Bow.
      Modern Arabian Peninsula with Mudhmar Est in Oman &
      Proposed Camp of the Broken Bow in Saudi Arabia
      These two locations are 1,980 air kilometers distant. So, a fine steel bow has not been found in a controlled context in the right time and place to have been Nephi's weapon. Five fine bronze bows dating to Nephi's era have been found in situ by professional archaeologists in the same region where Nephi and his family traveled.

      Book of Mormon Temples Fireside

      Book of Mormon Central has been publishing terrific material since January 1, 2016. It is time for the group to produce an event. To celebrate the dedication of the Provo City Center Temple, Book of Mormon Central in collaboration with the American Fork 29th Ward is hosting "Book of Mormon Temples," a fireside at 7 pm on Sunday, March 20, 2016.
      A Celebration of Temples Ancient and Modern
      As with all images on this blog, click to enlarge. Coming from the north or the south, take the American Fork 500 East Exit off I-15 and go north about 3/4 mile to 300 North. Turn right (east), go a couple of blocks, and the American Fork 9th, 12th and 29th Ward Meetinghouse is on the left (north).

      Stephen Smoot has just been set apart as an ordinance worker in the new Provo City Center Temple. He enters the University of Toronto in the fall to pursue an advanced degree in Egyptology. David Larsen is First Counselor in the Spring Creek 4th Ward in Springville. He has a PhD in Biblical Studies from University of St. Andrews (Scotland). Jasmin Gimenez is a member of the compassionate service committee and assistant pianist in the Provo YSA 91st Ward. She has a degree from BYU in Web Design and Near Eastern Studies. Jack Welch is a sealer in the Provo Temple. He has advanced degrees from Oxford (England) and Duke. The musical number will be Primary children from the American Fork 29th Ward singing "I Love to See the Temple."

      Book of Mormon Day 2016

      Saturday, March 26th, 2016 is the 186th anniversary of the day the Book of Mormon first went on sale in Palmyra, New York. To commemorate the event, people worldwide are using hashtag #BOMDAY to:
      • post photos of themselves reading the Book of Mormon in a familiar, comfortable, or culturally significant place.
      • share their testimony of the Book of Mormon.
      • share something they learned from the Book of Mormon.
      People not comfortable with hashtags are welcome to submit material here:

      There is also an art contest. Details here: While on that page, notice the counter showing how many copies of the Book of Mormon have been printed worldwide since 1830. At the current rate, a new copy rolls off the press on average every 5.922 seconds. This is a delightful piece of Book of Mormon art submitted by a lovely 12 year old girl.
      An Interpretation of Jesus and the Children
      As with all images on this blog, click to enlarge. Happy Book of Mormon Day.

      Lehi and Sariah in Arabia

      We have all heard people say "I liked the movie, but the book is better." That is certainly the case with Warren Aston's latest publication. Information about his excellent 2015 DVD is in the article "Lehi in Arabia." I just received my copy of his superb 2015 book entitled Lehi and Sariah in Arabia: The Old World Setting of the Book of Mormon.
      Sunrise over Khor Kharfot
      Contemporary Book of Mormon research doesn't get any better than this. The lavishly illustrated volume is handsome with generally high production values. Aston is a good photographer and a fine writer. More importantly, he is an intrepid explorer with a careful researcher's eye for quality sources. This book belongs on every serious Book of Mormon student's shelf. Order your copy from Xlibris.

      At great personal cost, Aston has personally put not one but two Book of Mormon place names on the map - Nahom in Yemen and Nephi's Bountiful in Oman. Quite the accomplishments for one lifetime. A November, 2015 audio with transcript Interview with Warren Aston is in the Book of Mormon Central Archive.

      Easter 2016

      Here are a few of the outstanding things Book of Mormon Central is doing to celebrate the International Day of the Book of Mormon on March 26th, General Conference on March 26th and April 2-3rd, and Easter on March 27th. #BoMDay & #hallelujah

      1. Print counter.
      Interactive Counter of Copies Printed since 1830
      This counter increments every 5.922 seconds. It is based on official numbers prepared by the LDS Scriptures Publication Committee and LDS Printing Division. It reflects all languages including braille and ASL (delivered as a video). It does not reflect electronic copies accessed via the web or downloaded to mobile devices.

      2. Easter infographic.
      Christ in the Book of Mormon
      I particularly like the name cloud. As with all images on this blog, click to enlarge.

      3. Christ in America timeline.
      Sequence of Events in 3 Nephi
      It is not easy sometimes to keep this chronology straight.

      4. Christ collage.
      Images of Christ in Book of Mormon Central KnoWhys
      Book of Mormon Central has been publishing KnoWhys since January 1, 2016. KnoWhy #62 about Jacob's use of the Psalms was published today. This collage brings together images of the Savior used in the KnoWhys published to date.

      Ubiquitous Narrow Strip

      In 2011 when I began this blog, satellite imagery was not as advanced or as widely available as it is today. When I went looking for a natural feature that matched the text's description of the narrow strip of wilderness, my first clue was a faint east - west line of lights that showed up on NASA's image of earth's lights at night. Since settlement follows rivers, that line of small population centers meant a line of streams flowed east - west across Chiapas and Guatemala. With examination, I discovered a line of east - west cliffs with rivers flowing at their bases. I then discovered this line of cliffs was caused by uplift along the boundary between the North American and Caribbean tectonic plates. This tectonic plate boundary is generally called the Polochic Fault and that distinctive fault line became my candidate for the narrow strip of wilderness. For much more detail, see the article "The Narrow Strip of Wilderness."

      In 2016, shaded relief based on precise elevation data derived from satellite remote sensing is getting so good my proposed narrow strip of wilderness practically jumps off the page on many maps. Here is one example - the current CIA map of Guatemala.
      CIA Geo Political Map of Guatemala
      As with all images on this blog, click to enlarge. Notice the east - west line running across the middle of the country where the Cuilco, Chixoy, and Polochic Rivers flow. This line also forms the northern shore of Lake Izabal. The towns of Huehuetenango, Sacapulas, Tactic, El Estor, and Livingston are all along this line. Had a widely published map this good been available to me five years ago, my search for the narrow strip of wilderness would not have taken long.

      Here is another image of the proposed narrow strip of wilderness showing curvature round about on the Pacific side as per Alma 22:27.
      Unmistakable Polochic Fault in Shaded Relief 
      When a text to map correlation is accurate, future discoveries and better technology will tend to make it even more obvious.

      My Testimony on #BoMDay and Easter

      This is a photo of me, Kirk Magleby, holding the Yale 2009 text at the Shoshone Falls lookout point near Twin Falls, Idaho on March 26, 2016.
      Reading the Book of Mormon on Book of Mormon Day
      Photo by Doug Christensen March 26, 2016
      I know that God lives and Jesus is the Christ. I cherish the Bible. I also love the Book of Mormon which clarifies and corroborates the Bible. If Jesus of Nazareth atoned for our sins and sorrows, was crucified, and rose again on the third day as we celebrate today on Easter Sunday, then perhaps he is the Savior of mankind. Good people in non-Christian traditions may beg to differ. If Jesus of Nazareth atoned for our sins and sorrows, was crucified, rose again on the third day, came to the Americas, descended in glory, and ministered to the Nephites as the Book of Mormon records, then he is indeed the very Eternal Father of Heaven and Earth as Amulek taught Zeezrom in the city of Ammonihah ca. 82 BC Alma 11:39-40.

      I testify that Amulek and the other Boook of Mormon prophets taught the truth.

      Men from the East Wearing Red

      Mark Wright of the BYU Religion faculty is one of the brightest Book of Mormon scholars in the contemporary Church. He holds a PhD from UC Riverside where he studied under the eminent Karl Taube. I am indebted to Mark for this color/directionality insight. I am solely responsible for the associated geographic correlation.
      Mark Wright at La Danta, El Mirador, Peten, January, 2016
      When the Amlicites invaded the greater land of Zarahemla via the land of Gideon, they attacked from the east. We know this because Gideon was explicitly east of Sidon Alma 6:7. They also wore red marks on their foreheads Alma 3:4. Alma attached considerable symbolic significance to this mark as a fulfillment of ancient prophecy Alma 3:13-16. This is the only place in the text where body art color is mentioned. In the Maya worldview, the color red was associated with sunrise and the cardinal direction east. The Amlicites came from the east wearing the color associated with the east.

      See the article "Water Fight on the River - Round Ten" for a photo of a modern Maya floral altar from Chiapas showing the color red in the east quadrant.

      This color association is one more indication that Ammonihah (home of the Amlicites) was east of Sidon as the January, 2016 Book of Mormon Lands Map proposes. See the article "Red Herrings" for a list of relevant articles examining Ammonihah's setting in the greater land of Zarahemla.

      This map shows likely locations for the Alma/Amlici battle narrative per the January, 2016 correlation.
      Blue Line Shows Plausible Amlicite Battle Route from the East
      The Amlicites came from the east wearing red and engaged the Nephites on Hill Amnihu in the land of Gideon east of the land of Minon.
      Detail of Proposed Hill Amnihu Area
      If a Book of Mormon geographic correlation is accurate, future corroborative discoveries will surface.

      Big River

      Many Book of Mormon students have the mistaken notion that the Nephites and Lamanites waded across river Sidon. This may stem from the iconic representations most of us have seen of the Mormon Pioneers crossing the Sweetwater. The American Fork Utah East Stake trekked at Martin's Cove, Wyoming in 2014. This is a photo of youth from our stake pushing and pulling their handcart through the stream. Notice the safety rope manned by a senior missionary couple.
      Sweetwater River, Wyoming July 18, 2014
      Photo by Kirk Magleby
      The US Geological Survey reports long-term mean stream flow in the Sweetwater at 3 - 4 cubic meters per second. That is a tiny volume of water. The Sweetwater wouldn't qualify to be called a river in many parts of the world. The Sweetwater is tributary to the North Platte which flows through Wyoming at 20 - 35 cubic meters per second. At Fort Caspar, you can see a replica of the Mormon Ferry that helped people and wagons get across the North Platte. When Brigham Young's 1847 advance party reached what is today Casper, Wyoming, they stopped and built a ferry to cross the treacherous river. My great-great grandfather, Appleton Milo Harmon, helped build the crude watercraft and then stayed behind to operate it for a few months. The North Platte was dangerous and several thousand saints then en route to the Salt lake Valley needed to cross over the river at that point. Harmon ferried fellow Mormons across the river free of charge. Gentiles were charged a small toll.
      LaRae Savage at the Mormon Ferry replica, Fort Caspar, Wyoming
      August 31, 2014 photo by Kirk Magleby
      When the Mormon Pioneers came to a 3 - 4 cubic meters per second stream they splashed through it. When they came to a 20 - 35 cubic meters per second river they built a raft & rope system and crossed over it.

      In 1524 - 1526 Hernan Cortes led a military expedition overland from central Mexico to Honduras. His army crossed many large rivers en route. By the time Cortes arrived at a particular place, his native retinue had built a temporary bridge over every stream in their path. These bridges were so sturdy Spanish horses and cannon crossed over with relative ease. The Spanish were impressed how quickly the natives constructed, dis-assembled, and transported their structures which consisted of canoes lashed together several abreast with planks on top.

      What did the Nephites and Lamanites do when they came to river Sidon? They crossed on rafts or canoes or floating bridges of some sort. Any river with sufficient stream flow to carry thousands of dead bodies to the sea Alma 3:3, Alma 44:22 is much too large for pedestrian fording. See the articles "Streamflow" and "Test #9 River Sidon" for background on dead bodies in rivers.

      Some students of the text such as my friend, Bob Roylance, correlate the Pasion with Sidon. I was on the Pasion in December, 2015. We put in at Sayache, Peten and motored upstream about 25 river kilometers to the preclassic site of Ceibal, candidate for the Book of Mormon city of Aaron. The article "Takeshi Inomata" discusses Ceibal from an archaeological perspective. This map shows the area.
      Sayache and Ceibal on the Pasion
      This photo shows the Pasion between Sayache and Ceibal.
      Pasion River near Ceibal December 30, 2015
      Photo by Kirk Magleby
      The river at this point is approximately 100 meters wide. Our captain had a sonar unit on board which showed depths in the 2 - 10 meters range. INSIVUMEH, the Guatemalan equivalent of USGS, reports 330 cubic meters per second long-term mean stream flow in this area. You don't wade the Pasion.

      The January 2016 Book of Mormon Lands Map correlates Sidon with the much larger Usumacinta. This photo was taken near Tenosique, Tabasco.
      Usumacinta River near Tenosique September 2006
      Photo by Kirk Magleby
      The river at this point is approximately 300 meters wide. It ranges from 5 to 20 meters deep. Mean stream flow exceeds 1.500 cubic meters per second. The canoe in the lower right hand corner of the photo above is one of dozens moored nearby. In 2006 I visited with several families who live along this section of the river. I asked if anyone ever tries to swim across. Laughter erupted at the absurdity of my question. During the months of peak runoff when the river is running high they only cross in motorized craft. Other months of the year they paddle across in small canoes. This is the largest river in Mesoamerica. You don't wade the Usumacinta.

      Textual clues indicate watercraft crossings. The Jaredites crossed many waters in barges Ether 2:6 and then the great waters in vessels Ether 2:22, Ether 6:3. The Nephites crossed great waters in a ship 1 Nephi 17:17. Parallel terminology describes Nephites Alma 2:34 and then Lamanites Alma 43:40 crossing the waters of Sidon. Using Royal Skousen's "systematic phraseology" principle, similar language implies similar modus operandi when one is crossing waters. Mention of the sea in both narratives Alma 3:3, Alma 44:22 strengthens this correlation.

      The text describes people going over Sidon Alma 6:7, Alma 16:7 but not through it. One went through enveloping mists 1 Nephi 8:24. The Israelites went through the Red Sea when Moses parted the waters 1 Nephi 4:2.

      People are never in the midst of Sidon as they are in the midst of darkness Alma 5:7, fire Helaman 5:23, 3 Nephi 17:24, or the waves of the sea Ether 2:24.

      The text indicates it took some time for an army to cross over the river. They were not bounding hordes spread out laterally along the banks and splashing across together Alma 2:27, Alma 2:35, Alma 43:35.

      A discrete place on the riverbank was used for the efficient movement of Nephite troops and when that place became cluttered with dead Lamanite bodies, the Nephites cleared away the bodies rather than change to a new place Alma 2:34.

      All of these verses fit better with watercraft or floating bridges than with pedestrian fording.  

      Conference Art #LDSconf

      Book of Mormon Central tried an experiment during the recently completed General Conference. As speakers quoted from or made significant mention of the Book of Mormon we posted a meme on Facebook and Twitter using the #LDSconf hashtag. We missed some, but ended up with 17 memes. As with all images on this blog, click to enlarge.

      Mary R. Durham, Saturday morning session.
      3 Nephi 26
      Kevin R. Duncan, Saturday morning session a.
      Jacob 3:1
      Kevin R. Duncan, Saturday morning session b.
      Alma 18:32
      Dale G. Renlund, Saturday morning session.
      1 Nephi 1:20, 1 Nephi 8:8
      Ronald A. Rasband, Saturday afternoon session a.
      Mosiah 18:8,9
      Ronald A. Rasband, Saturday afternoon session b.
      1 Nephi 8, Jacob 1:17, 1 Nephi 8:12 et al.
      Jairo Mazzarardi, Saturday afternoon session.
      Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith
      David A. Bednar, Saturday afternoon session.
      Mosiah 4:11
      Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Priesthood session.
      4 Nephi 1
      Bonnie L. Oscarson, Sunday morning session a.
      1 Nephi 8
      Bonnie L. Oscarson, Sunday morning session b.
      1 Nephi 8
      W. Christopher Waddell, Sunday morning session.
      1 Nephi 2:13 et al.
      Gerrit W. Gong, Sunday afternoon session a.
      2 Nephi 29:14
      Gerrit W. Gong, Sunday afternoon session b.
      T.S. Eliot, Little Gidding V, 1943
      Dallin H. Oaks, Sunday afternoon session a.
      2 Nephi 2:11
      Dallin H. Oaks, Sunday afternoon session b.
      2 Nephi 28:20-22
      Jeffrey R. Holland, Sunday afternoon session.
      Alma 36:18
      And finally, these are the hands of a lovely Beehive from Grantsville, Utah.
      Smile from 2 Nephi 9:39
      Photo by Ryan Magleby, April 3, 2016
      The last five words of this verse are:
      • Spiritually
      • Minded
      • Is
      • Life
      • Eternal


      On this day in history, Sunday, April 5, 1829, Oliver Cowdery met Joseph Smith for the first time. The place was Harmony (modern Oakland), Pennsylvania. The translation miracle was about to unfold beginning with our current Book of Mosiah.
      Oliver Cowdery as an Attorney in the 1840's
      Image from the Library of Congress
      The dynamic duo of Royal Skousen and Stanford Carmack have been patiently strengthening their theory of divine tight control over the Book of Mormon translation process. In their view, Joseph read words that appeared in the seer stone and was not at liberty to articulate thoughts in his own vernacular. Brant Gardner continues to advocate a theory of loose control that gives Joseph much more leeway to express thoughts in his own words. Jack Welch, Dan Peterson, and other Book of Mormon scholars are now lining up firmly behind Skousen/Carmack as the six eye witness accounts of the translation process become more widely known and as evidence for Early Modern English in the 1829 text continues to accumulate.

      The loose control theory has been convenient for scholars because it gives them freedom to interpret and even manipulate the text to suit their purposes. One of the arguments the loose control camp makes is that the title page calls Joseph Smith the translator of the record and in order to be a translator in the modern sense he must have freedom to express translated meaning in his own vocabulary. This suggests an interesting question. The word "translate" appears in the Book of Mormon. How did Nephite record keepers describe the translation process?

      King Limhi semantically linked the phrase "interpret languages"Mosiah 8;6 with the word "translate"Mosiah 8:11. Therefore, the instrument called "interpreters" in the text Mosiah 8:13, Alma 37:21 could also have been called "translators." The same interpreters possessed by Mosiah2,
      Alma2, and Helaman1 were delivered by Moroni to Joseph Smith Ether 4:5. Moroni equates the process of interpretation with the instrument Ether 4:5.

      And what did the ancient Nephite prophets do to interpret or translate? They looked which is why they were called seers Mosiah 8:13. Was the translation done through natural means? No. It was a miracle, a high gift from God Mosiah 8:14 and the person possessing the gift was a revelator Mosiah 8:16. Mosiah 8 is clearly intertextual with D&C 107:92 and D&C 124:125 which refer to Joseph Smith.

      The Book of Mormon says the interpreters were two stones which performed the work of translation Mosiah 28:13. So, it is not surprising that the text also mentions Joseph Smith's seer stone Alma 37:23 which shone forth in the darkness of the prophet's hat.

      The Book of Mormon sense of the word "translate" is to change from one state to another via supernatural power as in Ether 15:34. Joseph translated using the gift and power of god Title Page just as Mosiah1 had done Omni 1:20 approximately 2,000 years earlier. They both looked into a stone or stones and perceived divinely rendered words - i.e. tight control.
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